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The day I changed my life.

It was a normal day in November, just like any other, except for one small difference. I was finally at the end of my tether. For far too long I had had a sick, bloated and bubbling  stomach. Whenever I went out I would take on the persona of a movie spy. Scouting all available exits, locating public, and sometimes not so public toilets, just in case an 'emergency' occurred while away from home.  If it had just been the stomach problems my life would probably still be the same today but there were also other symptoms. I had had an almighty hangover for the last 7 or 8 months. So stop drinking you idiot, but that's just it, I wasn't drinking. Maybe the odd pint but nothing to cause these problems. I'd wake in the morning with a throbbing head and as the day progressed it would just get worse, growing to a throbbing bemoth of a headache by bed time. I would shuffle through the day in a fog, not able to concentrate on any given task, often forgetting what I was supposed to be doing. My wife said I had the short term memory of a goldfish and many arguments ensued because I would completely deny having a conversation or discussion, sometimes only a couple of hours earlier. Oh yeah, and don't get me started on my mental disposition. It would swing from anger to depression to total ambivalence for no apparent reason.  In short, my life was falling apart and it was finally time to do something about it before it was too late.  
But here's the good part, the reason I'm writing this blog. I found an answer through hours of web surfing and it's simple. In fact it's so simple it's one of those light bulb moments when you say 'Oh yeah. Why didn't I think of that?' You ready for the big reveal? You sure now because if your suffering the same symptoms as I was this will change your life forever. No turning back, once you change you will never want to go back to the old, sick you. This could be one of those life defining moments that will be etched into your conscious forever so you better be ready. Ok, here goes.
Yep, that's what I said. Bet you weren't expecting that, but plain old boring milk is the problem.
 'What the hell are you talking about' I here you cry. 'How can milk cause all these side effects that makes my life hell?'
Well, let me tell you. There is a protein in milk called casein that is causing all your problems. It has been estimated that over 20 percent of the population is intolerant to the milk protein, casein. Now this little beauty is not deadly, in fact it causes no long term damage but can totally destroy our everyday lives. Don't bother asking your doctor, he's probably never heard of it and there's no test available to see if you are casein intolerant so he will probably fob you off on other, more well known illness's like irritable bowel syndrome, gluten intolerance or maybe celiac disease. Now I'm not taking away anything from people who genuinely do suffer from those diseases but that's not me and I'm guessing that it's not you either or you would have your life back already.
 'So what you selling?' I hear you cry. ' Some new drug, some revolutionary new program to detox the system?' Nope, I'm not looking for anything, this cure is totally free and I'm just trying to help. I'm a writer and was researching for my new book, An Ordinary Joe, when I stumbled onto the info on casein. My book is a romantic comedy about a guy dying of cancer who gets a last shot at life and falls in love, not someone casein intolerant, but if you like what you read here maybe you can check it out.
So, to recap. If your feeling really sluggish, hung over, ugly mood swings, memory loss and bloated painful stomach problems there's a good chance that you are casein intolerant, but don't despair. There's a really simple and cheap cure and will change your life forever.
Yep, that's it. Now, as with all things in life it is a little more complicated than that but in essence it really is that simple. Remove all milk products from your diet for 34 days (that's how long it takes for casein to work it's way through your system) and I promise you will feel like a new person. How can I promise that when I've never even met you? Well it's simple. If you are experiencing these symptoms then you probably have a milk intolerance, either casein or lactose (lactose intolerance is more widely known so you can Google it for more info) and removing all milk products will immediately alleviate your symptoms and give you some relief and hey, if I'm wrong what have you lost? Nothing! But just imagine if I'm right. No more sick bloated stomach, no more foggy head and short term memory loss and don't get me started on the depression. Imagine your life with more energy, actually looking forward to the day ahead. Been a long time since you felt like that, hasn't it? Well now's the time to take a chance on yourself, change your life for the better, go on, you deserve it, you'll be glad you did.
For more info on casein intolerance or my book, An Ordinary Joe, visit my blog.

Casein Intolerance

Bloated stomach
Heartburn and indigestion
Short term memory loss
Night sweats
If you are experiencing some or all of these symptoms then you could be casein intolerant. Casein is the protein found in milk (whether from cows, sheep, goats or even humans) and is thought to cause problems in up to 20 percent of the worlds population.

Currently, there are no tests available to test for casein intolerance and the recommended course would be to keep a food diary over many months to see which foods, if any, cause any of the above problems. Now, I'm no doctor but if your reading this you or someone you know is experiencing problems, and you want a cure, now, not months down the line. So what's the answer?  Simply remove all milk products from your diet for 34 days (that's how long it takes for casein to work it's way through your system) and see how you feel. It's really that simple. If after 34 days you feel no different then casein (or lactose, the sugar in the milk) is not your problem. I apologise for wasting your time and not being able to help but at least it cost you nothing, did no harm and you can cross one more thing off your list of possible causes. But for the rest of you it just might change your life for the better. It worked for me, and once I realised just how much better I felt I told everyone I knew. Currently myself, my son, one of my daughters and my dad are all on a milk free diet and we all feel 100 percent better for it. It's amazing in hindsight just how obvious it was but who would have ever thought that milk could be a problem. We've been told for years to drink more milk but all the time it's been poisoning our bodies.

Ok, here's the catch. The society will currently live in is heavily invested in the milk industry so finding products without any casein takes a little work. You first need to remove all the obvious sources of casein from your diet such as milk, yogurt, butter and cheese, then you need to start reading labels. Everyday you'll find me or my wife standing in the supermarket, reading product labels and getting excited to find a new biscuit or processed meat product that I can eat. Sad, maybe, but that's now my life and I'm eternally grateful for it. The trade-off of not being able to eat regular food against feeling 100 percent better is a no brainer. Ok, once you have read the labels you need to understand what your looking for. Casein is a nasty little critter that likes to hide in the most unusual places so you need to be vigilant at first, until you get to know which foods are safe and which to avoid.

Some common ingredients to look out for include
Lactose (In fact anything that starts lacto is to be avoided until checked on the internet)
Milk powder

You will be surprised at how many uses food manufactures find for milk protein but the good news is it's slowly changing. In the last year alone I've seen dozens of products change from milk products to palm oils and sugars, even some of the better known brands are safe such as Granola cookies and Oreos.(Yes, I like my biscuits!)

So, to recap. Remove all milk products from your diet for 34 days (Obviously if you feel better you stay off milk products for the rest of your life), read all product labels and hopefully you will start to feel better. This is no easy cure, it takes time. Even after your initial 34 day milk free period it still takes time to get back to yourself. Personally, I think it probably took a full year before I was 100 percent but I got  a little better everyday during that time so it was easy to stick it out.

There have also been some added side effects to cleaning my system out. Two years after removing milk from my diet I feel healthier, I've lost over 2 stone in weight and have buckets of energy. I've just had a check up and my cholesterol is fine, no diabetes and my blood pressure in the normal range. For a 44 year old man who just 2 years ago though he was dying, I'm now in a pretty good place. Hopefully you can be too.


Good luck and welcome to the start of the rest of your life.

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